Unlock the Power: Access Azure DevOps Pipeline Artifacts from Different Organizations
Image by Marry - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power: Access Azure DevOps Pipeline Artifacts from Different Organizations

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Are you tired of being limited by organizational boundaries when it comes to accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts? Do you need to share artifacts between teams or organizations, but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we’ll demystify the process of accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from different organizations, providing you with step-by-step instructions and expert insights to get you started.

What are Azure DevOps Pipeline Artifacts?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s take a quick detour to understand what Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts are. In Azure DevOps, a pipeline artifact is a collection of files or packages that are produced by a pipeline run. These artifacts can include binaries, libraries, documents, or any other output generated by your pipeline. Artifacts are stored in Azure DevOps and can be accessed by team members, making it easier to collaborate and share resources.

The Challenge: Accessing Artifacts Across Organizations

By default, Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts are limited to the organization that created them. This means that if you’re working with multiple organizations or teams, you might struggle to access artifacts from another organization. This limitation can hinder collaboration, slow down development, and increase complexity. But fear not! With some clever configuration and setup, you can overcome these boundaries and access Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from different organizations.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An Azure DevOps organization with a pipeline that produces artifacts
  • A second Azure DevOps organization that needs to access the artifacts
  • Azure Active Directory (AAD) configured for both organizations
  • A basic understanding of Azure DevOps and pipeline concepts

Step 1: Configure Azure Active Directory (AAD)

To access artifacts from another organization, you need to configure Azure Active Directory (AAD) to allow authentication and authorization between the two organizations. This involves setting up an AAD application and granting the necessary permissions.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Azure Active Directory and create a new application.
  2. Fill in the required information, such as the application name and redirect URI.
  3. Under the “API permissions” section, click “Add a permission” and select “Azure DevOps.”
  4. Grant the necessary permissions, such as “Artifact.Read” and “Pipeline.Read.”
  5. Save the changes and note the client ID and client secret.

Step 2: Create a Service Principal

A service principal is an identity created for use with Azure resources. You’ll need to create a service principal in the organization that owns the artifacts, and then use it to authenticate from the second organization.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Azure Active Directory and click “App registrations.”
  2. Find the application you created earlier and click on it.
  3. Under the “Certificates & secrets” section, click “New client secret” and note the secret value.
  4. In the Azure DevOps organization that owns the artifacts, go to the “Organization settings” and click “Service principals.”
  5. Click “New service principal” and enter the required information, such as the name and description.
  6. Select the application you created earlier as the “App ID” and enter the client secret.
  7. Save the changes and note the service principal ID.

Step 3: Authenticate from the Second Organization

In the second organization, you’ll need to authenticate using the service principal and access token. You can do this using a variety of methods, including PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API calls.

# Using PowerShell
$clientId = "your_client_id"
$clientSecret = "your_client_secret"
$tenantId = "your_tenant_id"
$resourceUrl = "https://dev.azure.com/{organization}"
$accessToken = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceId $resourceUrl -ClientId $clientId -ClientSecret $clientSecret -TenantId $tenantId

Step 4: Access Artifacts Using the Azure DevOps REST API

Now that you have an access token, you can use the Azure DevOps REST API to access the pipeline artifacts from the second organization.

# Using PowerShell and Azure DevOps REST API
$organization = "your_organization"
$project = "your_project"
$artifactName = "your_artifact_name"
$apiVersion = "6.0"

$headers = @{
  "Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken"
  "Content-Type" = "application/json"

$url = "https://dev.azure.com/$organization/$project/_apis/pipelines/artifacts?api-version=$apiVersion"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers $headers

$artifactUri = $response.value | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $artifactName} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty downloadUrl

Step 5: Download the Artifact

Finally, you can use the download URL to retrieve the artifact from the second organization.

# Using PowerShell
$artifactPath = "C:\Path\To\Artifact"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $artifactUri -Method Get -Headers $headers -OutFile $artifactPath

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues while accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from different organizations, here are some common troubleshooting tips:

Error Solution
Authorization error Check the Azure Active Directory configuration, service principal, and access token.
Resource not found Verify the organization, project, and artifact names.
Token expired Renew the access token or adjust the token lifetime.


Accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from different organizations might seem like a daunting task, but with the right configuration and setup, it’s achievable. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the power of collaboration and sharing across organizational boundaries. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and fine-tune your approach to ensure seamless access to artifacts.

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, check out these additional resources:

By mastering the art of accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from different organizations, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of collaboration and innovation in your teams.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Access Azure DevOps Pipeline Artifacts from different organization” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Find answers to your questions about accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from different organizations.

Q1: Is it possible to access Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization?

Yes, it is possible to access Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization. You can achieve this by using Azure DevOps REST APIs, Azure Storage APIs, or OAuth tokens.

Q2: What are the security considerations when accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization?

When accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization, make sure to follow the principle of least privilege, use secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, and keep your artifacts and access tokens secure.

Q3: Can I use Azure DevOps REST APIs to access pipeline artifacts from a different organization?

Yes, you can use Azure DevOps REST APIs to access pipeline artifacts from a different organization. You need to authenticate using an Azure AD token or a PAT token with the necessary permissions.

Q4: How do I authenticate when accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization?

You can authenticate using an Azure AD token, PAT token, or OAuth token. Make sure to obtain the necessary permissions and follow the authentication guidelines provided by Azure DevOps.

Q5: What are the benefits of accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization?

Accessing Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts from a different organization enables collaboration, reuse of artifacts, and simplifies the development process. It also allows you to integrate with other services and tools, and leverage the benefits of a unified development environment.

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