Are there any issues/concerns with assigning computed values to a ref property in Vue?
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Are there any issues/concerns with assigning computed values to a ref property in Vue?

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When working with Vue, assigning computed values to a ref property can be a convenient way to access and manipulate data in your application. However, like with any powerful feature, there are potential issues and concerns that you should be aware of to avoid common pitfalls and ensure your code is maintainable and efficient.

What is a Ref Property in Vue?

In Vue, a ref property is a way to register a reference to a DOM element or a child component. Refs provide a way to access elements or components directly, allowing you to manipulate them programmatically. Refs are typically used to focus input elements, trigger animations, or access child component methods.

    <input ref="myInput" type="text">

export default {
  mounted() {

What are Computed Values in Vue?

In Vue, computed values are values that are calculated based on other values. They are typically used to simplify complex calculations or to create derived values that depend on other properties. Computed properties are cached, meaning that they are only recalculated when the dependencies change.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe'
  computed: {
    fullName() {
      return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

Assigning Computed Values to a Ref Property

Now that we’ve covered what refs and computed values are, let’s talk about assigning computed values to a ref property. This can be done by using the computed property in your Vue component and assigning the computed value to a ref property.

    <p ref="fullNameText">{{ fullName }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe'
  computed: {
    fullName() {
      return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
  mounted() {
    this.$refs.fullNameText.textContent = this.fullName;

Issues and Concerns

While assigning computed values to a ref property can be convenient, there are some potential issues and concerns to be aware of:

-performance Concerns

One of the main concerns is performance. When you assign a computed value to a ref property, the computed value is recalculated every time the dependencies change. This can lead to performance issues if the computed value is complex or has many dependencies.

To mitigate this, you can use Vue’s built-in computed property with a get function to memoize the computed value. This way, the computed value is only recalculated when the dependencies change.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe'
  computed: {
    fullName: {
      get() {
        return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

Reactivity Concerns

Another concern is reactivity. When you assign a computed value to a ref property, the ref property is not automatically updated when the dependencies change. This can lead to stale data if the computed value is not correctly updated.

To solve this, you can use Vue’s built-in watch function to watch for changes to the dependencies and update the ref property accordingly.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe'
  watch: {
    firstName() {
      this.$refs.fullNameText.textContent = this.fullName;
    lastName() {
      this.$refs.fullNameText.textContent = this.fullName;
  computed: {
    fullName() {
      return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

Debugging Concerns

Debugging can become more complex when assigning computed values to a ref property. Since the computed value is recalculated every time the dependencies change, it can be difficult to track down issues.

To make debugging easier, make sure to use Vue’s built-in debugging tools, such as the Vue Devtools, to inspect the component’s state and track down issues.

Best Practices

To avoid common pitfalls and ensure maintainable and efficient code, follow these best practices when assigning computed values to a ref property:

  • Use Vue’s built-in computed property with a get function to memoize the computed value.
  • Use Vue’s built-in watch function to watch for changes to the dependencies and update the ref property accordingly.
  • Avoid using complex or deeply nested computed values that can lead to performance issues.
  • Use Vue’s built-in debugging tools, such as the Vue Devtools, to inspect the component’s state and track down issues.
  • Keep computed values simple and easy to understand to avoid debugging issues.


In conclusion, assigning computed values to a ref property in Vue can be a powerful feature, but it requires careful consideration of potential issues and concerns. By following best practices and using Vue’s built-in features, such as memoization and watches, you can ensure maintainable and efficient code.

Remember to avoid common pitfalls, such as performance and reactivity concerns, and make debugging easier by using Vue’s built-in debugging tools.

By being aware of the potential issues and concerns, you can harness the power of assigning computed values to a ref property and build robust and scalable Vue applications.

Issue/Concern Solution
Performance Concerns Use memoization with Vue’s built-in computed property
Reactivity Concerns Use Vue’s built-in watch function to update the ref property
Debugging Concerns Use Vue’s built-in debugging tools, such as the Vue Devtools

Frequently Asked Question

When working with Vue.js, it’s essential to understand the implications of assigning computed values to a ref property. Here are some common concerns and issues you should be aware of:

Will assigning a computed value to a ref property cause infinite recursion?

No, Vue.js has a mechanism to prevent infinite recursion when assigning a computed value to a ref property. When a computed property is reassigned, Vue.js will only update the ref property if the new value is different from the previous one.

Does assigning a computed value to a ref property affect performance?

Yes, assigning a computed value to a ref property can have a performance impact, especially if the computed value is complex and involves expensive computations. It’s essential to optimize your computed properties and ensure they’re only recalculated when necessary.

Can I use a ref property as a dependency for a computed property?

Yes, you can use a ref property as a dependency for a computed property. In fact, this is a common pattern in Vue.js development. When the ref property changes, the computed property will be recalculated based on the new value.

Will assigning a computed value to a ref property affect reactivity?

No, assigning a computed value to a ref property will not affect reactivity. Vue.js’s reactivity system will still work as expected, and changes to the ref property will trigger updates to dependent components and computed properties.

Are there any alternatives to assigning computed values to a ref property?

Yes, instead of assigning a computed value to a ref property, you can create a separate computed property that returns the desired value. This approach can be more explicit and easier to maintain, especially in complex applications.

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