How to get the location information from my Kotlin code back to a Flutter project?
Image by Marry -

How to get the location information from my Kotlin code back to a Flutter project?

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Ah, the eternal struggle of communicating between different programming languages! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Kotlin and Flutter, and explore the magical ways of sharing location information between the two. So, buckle up and get ready to learn!

Why Do We Need to Share Location Information?

Imagine building a beautifully designed Flutter app that needs to fetch the user’s current location to provide personalized services. Sounds simple, right? Well, it is, but only if you know how to communicate between your Kotlin code (which handles location-related tasks) and your Flutter project (which displays the location information). That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this article!

The Architecture of Our Solution

To share location information between Kotlin and Flutter, we’ll be using a bridge to connect the two. This bridge will allow us to call native platform code (Kotlin) from our Flutter app, and then receive the location information back in our Flutter project. The architecture of our solution will look like this:

          |  Kotlin Code  |
          |  (Location API) |
          |  Platform Channel |
          |  (Bridge between   |
          |   Kotlin and Flutter) |
          |  Flutter Project  |
          |  (Displays Location  |
          |   Information)     |

Step 1: Set Up the Platform Channel

To create a bridge between our Kotlin code and Flutter project, we’ll use a Platform Channel. This channel will allow us to call native platform code (Kotlin) from our Flutter app, and then receive the location information back in our Flutter project. To set up the Platform Channel, follow these steps:

  1. In your Flutter project, add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file:

  2. dependencies:
    sdk: flutter
    path: ^1.1.1

  3. Run flutter pub get to get the packages.
  4. In your Android module (android/app/src/main/java/com/yourcompany/yourapp), create a new Kotlin file (e.g., Location-API.kt) and add the following code:

  5. package com.yourcompany.yourapp

    import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
    import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel

    class LocationAPI : FlutterActivity() {
    private val CHANNEL = "com.yourcompany.yourapp/location"

    override fun configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
    MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
    if (call.method == "getLocation") {
    // Call your location API here and pass the result
    val location = getLocationFromAPI()
    } else {

    private fun getLocationFromAPI(): String {
    // Implement your location API logic here
    // For demonstration purposes, let's return a hardcoded location
    return "48.8567° N, 2.2945° E"

  6. In your Flutter project, create a new Dart file (e.g., location_api.dart) and add the following code:

  7. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

    class LocationApi {
    static const platform = const MethodChannel('com.yourcompany.yourapp/location');

    Future getLocation() async {
    final String location = await platform.invokeMethod('getLocation');
    return location;

Step 2: Call the Native Platform Code from Flutter

Now that we have set up the Platform Channel, let’s call the native platform code (Kotlin) from our Flutter app to fetch the location information. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In your Flutter widget, import the location_api.dart file:

  2. import 'package:your_app/location_api.dart';

  3. Create an instance of the LocationApi class:

  4. final locationApi = LocationApi();

  5. Call the getLocation method to fetch the location information:

  6. Future _getLocation() async {
    final location = await locationApi.getLocation();
    print('Location: $location');

  7. Call the _getLocation function when your widget is initialized:

  8. @override
    void initState() {

Step 3: Display the Location Information in Flutter

Finally, let’s display the location information in our Flutter project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Text widget to display the location information:

  2. Text(
    'Location: ${_location}',
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24),

  3. Update the _getLocation function to store the location information in a variable:

  4. Future _getLocation() async {
    final location = await locationApi.getLocation();
    setState(() {
    _location = location;

  5. Use the _location variable to display the location information:

  6. @override
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
    title: Text('Location App'),
    body: Center(
    child: Text(
    'Location: ${_location}',
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24),


And that’s it! With these simple steps, you’ve successfully shared location information from your Kotlin code back to your Flutter project. Remember to implement your own location API logic in the getLocationFromAPI function, and you’re good to go!

Platform Language Description
Android Kotlin Handles location-related tasks and shares location information with Flutter project
Flutter Dart Displays location information received from Kotlin code

By following this tutorial, you’ve learned how to communicate between Kotlin and Flutter using a Platform Channel, and how to share location information between the two. Happy coding!

Common Errors and Solutions

If you encounter any errors while following this tutorial, here are some common solutions:

  • Error: MethodChannel is not implemented
    • Solution: Make sure you have correctly set up the Platform Channel in your Flutter project and Kotlin code.
  • Error: Location API is not implemented
    • Solution: Implement your own location API logic in the getLocationFromAPI function.
  • Error: FlutterActivity is not recognized
    • Solution: Make sure you have correctly imported the class in your Kotlin code.

By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve any errors you encounter and successfully share location information between your Kotlin code and Flutter project.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck trying to get location information from your Kotlin code back to a Flutter project? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out.

How do I send location data from Kotlin to Flutter?

You can use the Platform Channel in Flutter to communicate with native code, including Kotlin. Create a method channel in your Kotlin code and call it from your Flutter app. This will allow you to send location data from Kotlin to Flutter.

What is the best way to handle location permissions in Flutter?

Use the permission_handler package in Flutter to handle location permissions. This package provides a simple way to request and check permissions for location, camera, storage, and more.

How do I get the current location in Kotlin?

Use the Location Manager in Android to get the current location in Kotlin. You can use the getLastKnownLocation() method to get the last known location, or use a location listener to get updates on the device’s location.

Can I use a Kotlin coroutine to get location data in Flutter?

Yes, you can use a Kotlin coroutine to get location data in Flutter. Use the suspendCoroutine function in Kotlin to create a coroutine that retrieves location data, and then use the Platform Channel to send the data to your Flutter app.

How do I handle location updates in Flutter?

Use a StreamBuilder in Flutter to handle location updates. This will allow you to listen to location updates from your Kotlin code and update your app’s UI accordingly.